Romance Writers Weekly – Micro Flash Fiction

Hello and welcome to the blog hop! If you missed what the incredible Leslie Hachtel had to say just click and pop back.

Today I provide the topic for my fellow authors:

It’s time for a micro flash fiction! Write 250 words with a genre of your choice, the location is a tunnel and the object is a flower.


The cold, black tunnel closed in on Pacey. She reached out to steady herself but cringed as the slime coated her hands. Her heart raced, she had to get out of there. If she lingered he would catch her. Pacey stood but stumbled to the ground as pain shot through her ankle. When had she sprained it?

“Pacey, you can’t run from me. I will always find you,” yelled Roger.

It was hopeless. No! She refused to be weak. Pacey pushed past the pain and limped forward. In the distance a shaft of light glowed.

A deep voice called out. “The flower will be your salvation.”

What the hell? As she hobbled forward, Pacey glimpsed a lone red rose. She had to make it there, her life depended on it. Something about that voice calmed her. Even though Roger chased her, Pacey knew deep down she would be saved if she made it to the rose.

Pacey cried out in pain and fell to the floor as Roger grabbed her ankle.

“I’ve got you now!”

“You’ll never do anything to hurt me again. I’m free of you forever.”

Pacey kicked back with her good foot and slammed Roger in the face.

He swore and let her go. “I’ll never stop.”

She pushed past the pain and ran, “you’ll never find me again.”

As soon as Pacey reached the flower bathed in light, energy shot through her.

“Welcome,” said the same deep voice from before.

Sapphire eyes met hers and she smiled.


Well that’s it for me. Now continue on the hop to see what the lovely A.S. Fenichel had to write about. Until next time!

Have you seen the our Romance Writers Weekly member A.S. Fenichel has her first book in the Everton Domestic Society on for 99 cents? Check it out, it’s a wonderful book!



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