Romance Writers Weekly – Land, Land Everywhere.


I have my computer back! Yay! It was a weird not having it with me. Not for the fact of being connected to everything, but because I couldn’t write. I did write down some ideas in a notebook and that helped. However, I couldn’t edit. Which is what I am in the thick of right now. Now that it is back and working properly I’m editing my butt off. Onto writing!

Welcome to the blog hop! We have a blog hop going on each week. All of us authors get asked a question and we respond, hopping from one person to the next. If you missed what my incredible friend Victoria Barbour had to say just click and pop back. I’ve provided the topic and today I ask my fellow authors: If you inherited a bunch of undeveloped land, what would you do with it?  

I know the obvious answer for me would be to build something on it. But what would I build and where? I would probably build a house, not a big one, but enough space to have a couple of rooms a great kitchen to cook and bake in and lots of outside space.

Two places pop up in my mind.

The ocean/beach, look at the amazing windows!! I love natural light.


and a cabin in the woods. You have the earthy smell and coziness of being surrounded by woods.


It would be wonderful to have a place to escape. To go away and have a vacation or disappear and write for a weekend. Either of these places would be amazing to have a plot land on.

I think I would also build some sort of pool. Hey what can I say, I’m a water person. What about this one: tumblr_mzg1reO1d71t1rsaoo1_500

That would be so awesome!! Imagine floating around with a great book, glass of wine or a computer to type away on.

That’s what I would do with my undeveloped land! What would Leslie Hachtel do with hers? Continue on the hop. Until next time!



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