Romance Writers Weekly – January 12th

Welcome to the new year! It feels good to be blogging and writing again. Not that I stopped, but I did take a little break for the holidays. Right now I’m deep in the process of editing my debut novel, and that keeps me busy. However, I keep chugging along in hopes that my novel will be published this year.

We have started up the blog hop again and we have a lot of great topics so far this year. If you missed what Kathryn Renard had to say just click and pop back. Today the fantastic Brenda Margriet asks us about our firsts:

Let’s talk about “Firsts.” Everyone can choose their top three “First” memories and write about those (they don’t have to be on the list here). Some suggestions are: First book you remember reading (or being read to you). First romance novel you fell in love with. First “big” trip (eg. out of country, out of state/province, without parents). First love/kiss. First pet. First Christmas/other holiday (eg. when you were a child, after you were married, after your first child.)

I will start my top three “first” memories with the first romance novel I fell in love with, because after all we love romance. 🙂

In university there was a time where I was stuck reading boring class materials and I needed a break. I went to the book store to browse and see if I could find anything that would take my mind off of all the tedious reading I had to do. This was when Borders was still around (my favourite book store). There seemed to be a lull in the books I normally chose so I thought I would take a peek at the romance section. Once I was in there, I fell in love. My first romance book was The Rose and the Shield by Sara Bennett. She quickly became my all time favourite romance author. I own everything she has written. Her book led me into the wonderful world of romance and I will never forget it. Sara-Bennett-The-Rose-and-The-Shield

My second “first” memory is about moving away to another country. After I married my husband we moved up to the far east coast of Canada to Newfoundland. Yes I had moved away before when I was in university but this was a completely different move. I had never been out of the U.S. I remember thinking this is the first time I wont be able to call up my family and say hey, let’s have dinner this weekend. It was a big move. The first time we touched down in St. John’s I was happy, sad, confused, scared and excited. My first experience with living in another country is one that I will always remember and always keep close to my heart. I made some of the best friends that I’ve had, started writing a novel, and gave birth to my son. Right now I miss St. John’s terribly, but I know that one day we will go back and spend some time there.


The last “first” memory that I have is of my first pet. We never had a dog or a cat while growing up but we did have fish. I am and have always been a big swimmer so having a fish as a pet was perfect. I would watch them swim around all day long and wish that I could hold my breath underwater. Mine was a gold fish and I named him Spikey. I loved that fish. I learned how to clean out his tank without killing him, which is always good. I fed him, talked to him, stared at him and wished I could swim around with him. For a goldfish he lived an extremely long life, I think I had him for two and a half years before he died. He even turned all white except his back fin, which stayed gold. I think even now I would get a big fish tank and have some fish. They are calming to look at as they swim back and forth. And you get to repeat the phrase, “just keep swimming…just keep swimming…”common_goldfish_1

That’s it for me today. I hope you enjoyed my “firsts”. Now continue on the hop and see what the amazing Brenda Margriet has to say about her firsts. Until next time, keep writing and reading.


6 responses to “Romance Writers Weekly – January 12th”

  1. I love your list, Jenna, but am certainly glad romance novel covers have evolved over the years! 🙂 I’ll have to give Sara Bennett a try – I don’t think I’ve read any of hers yet. Isn’t it nice to know we can still discover new, yet established, authors?

  2. One day I would love to visit St. John’s. I’ve heard such wonderful things. Great firsts!

  3. Wonderful firsts. I hope to visit St. Johns one of these days. It sounds lovely. =)

  4. I don’t think I’ve read any of Sara Bennett’s books. I will have to give her a try. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Omgosh so many of us Canucks floating around! I remember that book sooo well. Long forgotten til your blog tonight. I MUST revisit! Flashback!!

    just keep writing just keep writing.. .swimming yeah, that’s it

  6. ps oops misread because the kidlets are distracting me.. semi-Canuck. 🙂 close enough for jazz, eh?

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