Romance Writers Weekly – It’s Time For Tea

Welcome to the blog hop. I only have 1 week before the arrival of our baby girl, so I’m trying to get in as much writing as I can! If you missed what the wonderful A.S. Fenichel had to say just click and pop back. The topic this week comes from the amazing Leslie Hachtel and she asks us:

Which romance novel hero/heroine would you like to spend some time with and why?

It is so hard to choose just on hero or heroine, I’ve read so many that I’ve loved. I would love to sit down with any of Meg Cabot’s characters or Sara Bennett’s or Anna Harrington’s. Those are some of my favourite hero and heroines that I’ve read.

Each have their challenges but that makes them seem more human and relatable when you read them. You can see how they face those problems head on and always come out better for it in the end. It gives you hope.

There is one heroine I would love to spend time with, and that is Elizabeth Bennet. I would want to know all her thoughts and why she took so long to fall in love with Mr. Darcy. He loved her long before she loved him. Elizabeth went around in circles so many times.

She’s also one of the most influential romance characters in history. So many romance novels were written after Elizabeth popped onto the pages. I think it would be very interesting to delve into the deep thoughts she has.

That’s the best part about reading a book, you can go into the characters’ minds and meet each one of them. It’s just too bad you can’t meet them in real life.

That’s it for me today, now continue on the hop to see who the incredible Leslie Hachtel would like to spend time with. Until next time!


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