Romance Writers Weekly – Hustle and Bustle or Peace and Quiet?


I’m down to the last two weeks of coaching swimming. Then I will have the whole summer to write, YAY!! Excited to finally get things finished up!

Welcome to the blog hop! We have a blog hop going on each week. All of us authors get asked a question and we respond, hopping from one person to the next. If you missed what the amazing Leslie Hachtel had to say just click and pop back. Today’s question comes from Brenda Margriet. She asks us to describe your perfect writing space/retreat. Do you need hustle and bustle or peace and quiet? Coffee shop or secluded cabin?

What a great question!

It definitely depends on my mood. For instance when I am writing a lively scene I like to be surrounded by people. It’s like they give me inspiration of how my characters will do certain things. Sometimes I even pull from some people’s mannerisms and insert it into a character. It makes them more interesting.

For writing a sex/love scene, I find that I need to be by myself or at least in my own space. Otherwise it feels like all eyes are on me when I am writing that scene. It’s not that I’m embarrassed or anything, but I don’t like the feeling of people watching me when I write intimate scenes.

Before I had my son, my husband and I would go to Starbucks every Wednesday after our workout and sit for the rest of the afternoon. He would do his freelance web work and I would write. It was the best. I found I got so much writing done on those days. Now it is fewer and farther apart, but it will become easier as he gets older and I will have a bit more time for me. I would also have a writers day once a week and go over to my fellow blogger Victoria’s house. We used to bounce ideas off of each other and then write away. I miss that.

How about half and half? Coffee shop for part of the week, a writing space at home (I want to have a writing nook one day,) and then a cabin for the weekend. Oh if only that were possible!

How about this place? We could all go write in our own space, but be together! Writers retreat anyone? 🙂


That’s it for me today! Hop on over to my incredible friend Victoria Barbour’s blog and see where she likes to write. And don’t forget to check out her Heart’s Ease Series, it’s just the best! This is my favourite! 514IcwxGM-L._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_

Continue on the hop, until next time!



3 responses to “Romance Writers Weekly – Hustle and Bustle or Peace and Quiet?”

  1. I’m up for a retreat at that place! It looks awesome – private yet connected.

    1. Leslie Hachtel Avatar
      Leslie Hachtel

      Don’t leave me behind!

  2. yeah, I could definitely write there. Count me in.

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