Romance Writers Weekly – Holiday Treats!

Hello and welcome to the blog hop! I hope everyone had a great weekend. My parents, husband, son and I went up to Seattle for my cousin’s wedding. It was really quite beautiful! It was supposed to rain the entire time, but it didn’t rain at all. We got so lucky! My hubby had never seen Seattle before so it was awesome to show him everything.

If you missed what the incredible Dani Jace had to say just click and pop back.

Today the amazing Brenda Margriet asks us:

I’m not much of a baker, except for at Christmas. Share your favourite holiday treat recipe!

Ohhhhh I LOVE holiday baking! We have a family tradition of baking goods together. I can’t wait until I get to spend the afternoon baking with my mom. I have some recipes that are from my great grandma which is pretty awesome. I know some of them are familiar, but they are delicious.

We make snickerdoodles, almond roca, nanaimo bars, thumb prints and strawberries. They are all so delicious! I think my favourite are nanaimo bars and almond roca.

Today I will share with you the recipe for Strawberries since they are not a well known treat. They are very sweet and delicious.



1/2 can condensed milk (14oz)

2 pkg strawberry Jell-O (3oz size)

1 cup finely chopped almonds 

1 cup fine coconut

1/2 tsp vanilla

1/2 tsp almond flavouring

Red and green sprinkles


  1. Mix all ingredients and chill until cool. 
  2. Roll into size of small strawberries. 
  3. Roll bottom half into red sprinkles. 
  4. Push top of strawberry into green sprinkles. 
  5. Keep in fridge and enjoy!


I hope everyone enjoys these treats, and I can’t wait to see what holiday treats my fellow authors have. Continue on the hop to see what the wonderful A.S. Fenichel has to share with us. Until next time!


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