Romance Writers Weekly ~ Holiday Spirit

Hello and welcome! I hope everyone is doing well. We finally have some fall weather, yay! I can’t believe that it is almost Thanksgiving. It’s so weird that we’ve been home for so long, but at the same time, where did the year go?

If you missed what the amazing Elizabeth Schechter, just click and pop back.

Today the incredible Leslie Hachtel says the holidays are fast approaching and asks us:

What do you most look forward to this time of year? (It’s okay to say Hallmark movies).

We just ended my favourite holiday, Halloween. Now comes the rush of Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. I’m not one of those people that can put up a tree right after Halloween. We like to wait until after Thanksgiving.

I’m not going to lie, I really do love the Hallmark movies. Some of them are corny, but I can’t help but watch them. This year it seems like I need to watch them even more. I have 3 recorded on the dvr.

I enjoy decorating the house for the different seasons. Right now we have some fall harvest pumpkins on the tv stand and leaves going up our banister.

The holiday drinks that come out in the coffee shops are delicious too. I’ve enjoyed the pumpkin cold brew, and I just tried a dark chocolate orange mocha. It was soooo yummy! It tasted just like one of those chocolate oranges you get for Christmas.

Soon it will be time to set everything up for Christmas, but not yet. I love to go ice skating this time of year too.

Well that’s it for me today, now continue on the hop to see what the talented Leslie Hachtel has to say. Until next time!


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