Romance Writers Weekly – Holiday Plans

Hello and welcome to the blog hop! It’s getting close to Christmas and we finally just finished putting up all our decorations. Our cards this year will be New Years cards because they don’t come in until next week! That means I don’t have much time to write all the addresses on them and send them out.

Today I’ve provided the topic for my fellow authors and I ask them:

Do you have any holiday plans? Do you like to go on vacation or stay at home?

I love to stay at home during Christmas. You can do your own thing on your own time. You don’t have to get up on anyone’s plan. We will have a quiet Christmas Eve and eat dinner with family and open one gift. Then on Christmas Day I make cranberry orange scones and we open presents, relax for a while then go to my parents house to open presents. It’s all very nice and relaxing. Our present we open on Christmas Eve is pajamas for the whole family and that is always so fun.

Occasionally we do go away for the holidays and it is amazing. This year we are going to stay here for Christmas and then two days later we are heading to Maui with my in-laws. We will be going for about 11 days. I’m hoping to relax and not have to do too many excursions. The exciting part is, we get to leave our son with his grandparents and head over to Honolulu for 2 days! Just by ourselves!! Yay!

So it depends on the year. Sometimes we like to go away and others we just like to stay. I find it so hard to travel during the holidays with kids. You can get the crazy busy lines, the long flights, delays. This year we get to do a little bit of both and I’m sure it’s going to be a wonderful holiday.

That’s it for me today, continue on the hop and see what the talented Leslie Hachtel has to say about her holidays. Until next time!


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