Romance Writers Weekly – Hobbies That Inspire

Welcome to the weekly blog hop! I have a moment between big brother being at school and little missus sleeping. I’m hoping I can fit in writing a blog and doing the dishes, although I know she’ll wake up soon.

If you missed what the incredible A.S. Fenichel had to say, just click and pop back.

Today the amazing Leslie Hachtel asks us:

Name a pastime/hobby that inspires you.

One of my favourite pastimes is reading. I just love to read. It can be late at night and I am so tired, but I will still read at least a page or two before I go to bed. I love how reading takes you into other worlds and lets you escape for an hour or two. I definitely wish I had more time to read. Reading also allows my mind to wander and think about ideas for my own novels. Reading inspires me to write.

Another hobby that I love to do is swim. There is just something about swimming that calms me. I love the feeling of gliding through the water. It is especially nice when the weather is hot. It has always been a passion of mine, but also a hobby that clears my mind. Sometimes I can even think through scenes in a novel while swimming.

That’s it for me today. Now continue on the hop to see what the talented Leslie Hachtel has to say. Until next time!


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