Romance Writers Weekly ~ History


Hi all, welcome to the blog hop! It’s been a stressful couple of weeks for us over here, but I’m hoping it will cool down. On a happy note, but son just had his 10th birthday! I can’t believe he’s 10, where did those years go? He’s still my baby, but he’s no longer little. In just a few short years, he’ll be out of here and I’ll be one sad momma. I still have my daughter who just turned 5, so many more years to go!

Today we are asked what is our favourite time in history and why?

That’s an interesting question. I would like to travel to certain times and visit and see how the world moved around. I find Greek history fascinating and would definitely want to go and see the ancient Greek timeline.

The 80’s were a blast to grow up in. I think it would be awesome to go back and see those days again. It’s one of my favourite times. The fun times, the music, the time I got to spend outside was so much fun. It must have been different as an adult, but still a good time in history.

If I had the chance, I would visit many points in history to find my absolute favourite one. It would be interesting to watch what happens throughout history. Since I write regency romance, I would absolutely love to visit the regency time period.

That’s it for me today, now continue on the hop to find out Leslie Hachtel’s favorite time in history. Until next time!

Grab Leslie Hachtel’s book Stay With Me

Two women. Years apart. Linked by common experience and a cottage that has survived since the Civil War. When Rebecca reaches out from the past, Evelyn finds it life changing.

And in their own times, each must discover strength and fight to find and keep true love.

A NEST First Place Winner in Paranormal!



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