Romance Writers Weekly~ Happy Father’s Day!

Hello and welcome! Thanks for joining us today, it’s always nice to have our readers enjoy the blog hop. This week is going to be a HOT one! It’s going to get up to 105, EW! I don’t like it when the weather is this hot. You just can’t do anything except stay inside. Hopefully I can think of something fun to do with the kids.

If you missed what the incredible A.S. Fenichel had to say, just click and pop back.

Today A.S. Fenichel is the instigator and she asks us if we have a great dad memory.

I have so many great memories with my dad. I think one of my favourite ones is when we went looking at colleges in Washington State and Oregon and we drove from our home in California. It was just the two of us and we got to drive and look at all the sights.

It was such a cool experience to drive together and listen to him tell all these stories from when he grew up. It was so special for me and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Now we go golfing every other week and he shares all his tips and how to get better. He was the one who taught me how to play all the sports when I was a kid.

This weekend as a special treat, I bought him and my husband tickets to go play golf at a really nice course up in wine country! I hope they enjoy their day of golf.

Well that’s it for me today. Now continue on the hop to find out the wonderful Clair Brett’s memories of her dad. Until next time!

Check out Clair Brett’s release next month and get your Christmas fix this July!

Miss Maria Lightowler needs a husband who will secure her future and her God mother’s annual Twelfth Night house party and ball is her one chance. Not to mention a gift of a pendant, claiming to find one’s true love can’t hurt. If she can transform herself from the wild country girl, she is to the elegant lady she sees herself being, perhaps she can pull it off. With no dowry, the man she marries must take her on her beauty and personality, and still have enough of a fortune, so she is not worried about those things she went without as a child. But from the get-go an annoying guest seems determined to be in her way. What he obviously lacks in funds, he makes up for in charisma, but Maria repeatedly strikes him from her list.

Lord LaZander Rothchild, Viscount Milford is hiding. His hope is it will only be until the potential scandal in London dies down. Since his father went ill, Zander has been the victim of too many marriage traps to count. Now at his aunt’s annual match making extravaganza he is hoping to avoid most of the guests until he can sneak back into the city. His aunt unfortunately has other ideas. Luckily, because of his propensity to be embroiled in so many mishaps the marriage minded mamas at the house party have blacklisted him concerning their daughters. However, one temping young woman unaware of him on any level, seems determined to set him aside as well. She does not treat him as the heir to a Marquess or a man of any real consequence. For the first time, Zander does not feel that the small amount of attention he gets from her, is anything beyond her being polite.

Now determined to prove to her he is a worthy option, Zander may just set and get trapped in his own marriage scheme.


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