Romance Writers Weekly – Happy Canadian/American Day!


Welcome and Happy Canada Day and 4th of July! What a great weekend it has been! Now that we’ve all enjoyed drinks and food, it’s time to enjoy some blogging and reading. If you missed what Brenda Margriet had to say then click and pop back. This week’s topic comes from the talented A.S. Fenichel and she ask us: If you live in the U.S., How did you spend yesterday? Tell us about your Independance day weekend. Now make up a really short story about how you wish you’d spent it. Can be as long or as short as you want, but make us wish we’d been there too. Oh and if you live outside the U.S., you can join the fiction part. If you were visiting during the 4th of July holiday, how do you imagine the day? GET CREATIVE! 

Well our celebrations were certainly fun! We started off with Friday as Canada Day and my mom’s birthday. We made a delicious roast on the smoker, roasted potatoes and green beans with bacon. I attempted to make a chocolate raspberry tart, but it turned out more like a pudding. Nonetheless it was good because with dark chocolate and raspberry, how can you go wrong?

Saturday my cousin came into town for a day and he got to meet my son for the first time. We haven’t seen him since our wedding seven years ago. It was great to catch up. On Sunday we started our training for the Spartan Super race. My husband and I are now kicking ourselves, what have we gotten into! It’s a huge 8-10 mile race with obstacle courses. So we practiced running up and down a hill with a 40lb cement bucket, a javelin throw and burpees. I must say I hate burpees with a passion!!

Today we just had a lazy morning and went swimming with our son. Then we prepared a BBQ for the block and sat at the top of the street with a bunch of neighbours. We played music and sat around. Declan played in the little play pool that was set out. (It was for the neighbours dogs, haha.) We were going to see the fireworks, but after the long weekend of staying up late, we opted to sit on our couch and watch Independence Day.

So my mind wasn’t quite in a story mode tonight, so I did a free form poem instead. I hope you enjoy!



Warm sun beating down

I taste the sweet sticky watermelon

Rough green grass between my toes

Music flowing out of my ears

Ice cubes float and crack in my drink

Friends, friends friends

How I wish you were here

Or I was there

The sun slinks beneath the sky

The world darkens

Giggles and gasps surround me

Flashes of colours flare up before my eyes


The world explodes

Excitement, screaming

Then all is quiet

Whispers in the dark

Our beds are warm and soft

Oh what a great celebration


Thanks for joining. Now see how A.S. Fenichel spent her holidays. Continue on the hop, until next time!



One response to “Romance Writers Weekly – Happy Canadian/American Day!”

  1. Nice. Good imagery.

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