Romance Writers Weekly – Flash Fiction – Lucky Leia

Welcome to the blog hop. This week has been difficult to type as I sprained my finger catching a football. Thankfully, I had some extra time and was able to type very slowly. If you missed what the lovely Brenda Margriet had to say, just click and pop back.

Today the amazing Leslie Hachtel asks us to: write a Flash Fiction. Write 500 words or less using the words knuckle, cocktail and eyelashes. I had fun with this one!



Leia tried to stifle the laugh erupting from her, but the attempt was in vain. Her stomach hurt from laughing so much and she hadn’t found anything this hilarious in a long time.

Her friend Beka attempted some sort of dance moves she had never seen before with a man on the dance floor. Beka motioned her over but Leia shook her head. No need to embarrass herself in front of everyone, she was clumsy enough as it was. She needed another drink before dancing.

Leia stood, teetering on too tall heels. Her cocktail slipped from her hand as she pitched forward. Before she fell face first on the floor a pair of strong arms caught her. Sandalwood and musk surrounded her and she inhaled deeply. Leia stood with the help of the gentleman.

“This is why I should never wear heels,” Leia stated.

“Oh I don’t mind them, they make your legs look amazing,” the deep masculine voice replied.

Leia glanced up into the most beautiful mahogany brown eyes she had ever seen. Her breath caught in her throat as he smiled and blinked. It was only then that she realized he continued to blink his eyelashes. Leia’s cheeks heated in mortification. Her drink had spilled all over this hunk of a man.

“I’m so sorry! Please forgive me, let me buy you another drink, or shirt, or something.”

“No need for any of that. Are you always this graceful?” he asked as he helped her to stand.

“There is a reason why my friends call me ‘Lucky Leia’. I’m always tripping or knocking into things. This time however, I’ve ruined your shirt and night.”

“You haven’t spoiled anything Lucky Leia, quite the opposite. I’m Luca.” He grasped her hand and brushed his lips over her knuckles.

“Just plain, Luca?” whispered Leia as tingles ran along her spine.

His mahogany eyes burned into hers and heat pooled between her thighs. How could this happen to her from just a look? Leia had never felt this much attraction before, and they’d barely touched. What would happen if they did more? She shook her carnal thoughts from her mind. He was just being nice. He probably didn’t feel anything at all, except wet from her drink.

“Would you care to dance?” asked Luca as he tugged her to the crowded floor.

Leia shook her head. “You don’t want to see me dance. I’ll step all over your toes and then where would we be?”

“You’ve already soaked me with your drink, sore feet are the least of my worries. Come have a dance with me and I will show you how lucky you can be,” he smiled.

Leia couldn’t help but stare at Luca’s incredible smile. It sent even more shivers of pleasure through her body. She placed her hand in his, feeling an insatiable tug as he led her forward into the night.



Thanks for joining me, and I hope you enjoyed the flash fiction. Now continue on the hop to see what the incredible Leslie Hachtel writes about. Until next time!



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