Romance Writers Weekly – Flash Fiction

Hello and welcome to the blog hop. It’s a week until Thanksgiving in the U.S. and we are having all the family over! We are cooking the turkey, pies and one set of veggies. Our families will bring the rest. We host each year so I’m looking forward to seeing everyone.

Today I pose a flash fiction to my fellow authors:

Write a 500 word or less flash fiction using the words TURKEY, RAIN, and TRAMPOLINE.

Lina glanced out the window of her truck. She couldn’t make out a single object through the pouring rain. As if sensing her resistance to go out into the horrid weather, the rain pounded down harder. She pushed on the gas peddle and inched forward. The truck gave a sudden lurch, stuttered and stopped.

No! She was lost in suburbia with no idea which direction to go. Her phone had long ago died, loosing all help of directions. Lina gripped the steering wheel so hard her knuckles turned white. She sighed and peered out the window, in attempt to get her bearings. Nothing but a black sky and a gray wet ground surrounded her. There was nothing left to do except make a run for it.

After wrapping a jacket around her small frame she grabbed the heavy plastic bag. Of course she’d been sent out to get the food on this terrible day. Lina opened the truck door and ran. The turkey banged into her legs as she raced through the torrential rains.

She wiped the water from her eyes but it did no good. A large shadow loomed in front of her and she tried to turn but skidded in the mud. Lina narrowly missed a large trampoline in someone’s backyard. Gasping for breath she hefted the bag on her shoulder and continued past an overflowing pool. A ranch style house came into view and she sprinted up the porch and pounded on the door.

“Hello! Is anyone home? Please I need help!”

A light flickered on inside and the door opened a crack. Lina squinted and a set a bright blue eyes glared back.

“I would never ask a stranger, but it’s freezing, my truck broke down and I need to use a phone. Can I come in?” Her teeth chattered.

“I don’t even know who you are and you want to be invited inside?” replied a deep male voice.

Lina dropped the giant turkey and bowed her head. She was so cold that her entire body began to shake. “Please sir, I will only stay until I can get someone to fix my car.”

“Very well, but you must leave after you make your call.”

“Thank you so much. I appreciate it. I’m Lina and your name is?” Lina picked up the turkey and stepped into the house. Flickering light and warmth came from the other room. She glanced up at her rescuer and stifled a gasp. He was undeniable handsome. His dark brown hair curled over his forehead and his sapphire blue eyes bored into hers.

“My name is Asher. Why don’t you remove your wet clothing and come sit by the fire,” he said in a gruff voice.

“I…I don’t have any spare clothes, I’ll just remove my jacket and shoes. I should warm up soon enough.” Lina’s heart fluttered in her chest.

“Come now, sit by the fire and you can make your phone call. I have an extra sweatshirt you can borrow.”

Lina followed Asher into his living room and sat beside the blazing warmth. She had a feeling everything was about to change.


That’s it for me today! If you missed what the incredible Leslie Hachtel had to say, just click and pop back or jump forward to the lovely A.S. Fenichel. Until next time!


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