Romance Writers Weekly- Flash Fiction

Good morning and welcome to the blog hop! We have quite a group with us today, so if you missed what the lovely Dani Jace had to say, just click and pop back. This week’s question comes from the amazing S.C. Mitchell and he asks us to do a: Flash Fiction Challenge: Give us a romantic scene to set the mood for Valentines Day. 

Since I’ve been up to my eyeballs in editing, this will be a nice break and give me a chance to write a little something.


Blue was his favourite colour, so she’d chosen the gown with care. The dark royal blue gown swished around her legs as she continued into the ballroom. Ariel glanced in the mirror to make sure her silver mask was in place. Her blonde hair cascaded in curls around her shoulders and her clear gray eyes stared back at her. She smoothed shaking hands along her dress and took a deep breath. 

She’d always loved Gabriel from afar, and now this St. Valentine’s Day she would tell him. Ariel hoped that Gabriel would notice her. If he did, all would go according to plan and she would capture his heart the way he had captured hers so many years ago.

Ariel descended the stairs and glanced about. He was no where to be seen. Her heart thudded in her chest. What if he didn’t show? Then it would all be for nothing and her dreams dashed away. Heat prickled at the back of her neck and tingles ran throughout her body.

“Blue, my favourite. You look like an angel. Pray tell me your name.”

The deep baritone voice heated her body to the core. It was him. Ever so slowly she turned, blonde hair hung to his strong, well muscled shoulders, his mahogany eyes held a wicked glint behind his black mask as his eyes travelled up and and down her body. And his lips, oh how she longed to reach up and place her lips upon his.

“You know me, but I’ll not tell you. You must guess.”

“Well if you won’t tell me, I’ll have to call you angel. Would you care to dance, angel?” he asked as he reached for her hand.

She licked her lips, his eyes followed the movement and became a darker mahogany. “I would be delighted to, Gabriel”

“How do you know my name?”

“I know many things about you.” She placed her hand in his, and followed him into the crush of ballroom dancers.

This will be a St. Valentine’s you will never forget she thought.


Well, that’s all for me. Continue on the hop and see what the incredible Marc Stevens wrote his valentine’s scene about. Thanks for joining, until next time! And happy Valentine’s Day!






One response to “Romance Writers Weekly- Flash Fiction”

  1. Very nice. She’s off to a good start with him.

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