Romance Writers Weekly ~ Falling Into Fall

Welcome to the Tuesday blog hop. My son started his spring break this week and we are headed to Maui tomorrow! It will be a nice little break since we started spring break off with a very EARLY track meet on Saturday and my parent’s 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday. I am ready for a vacation!

If you missed what the incredible A.S. Fenichel had to say click and pop back.

Today we are asked: It’s creeping out of winter to the spring. Is this your favorite season? If not, which one is and why.

I have to confess that I don’t like spring very much. My allergies just go too crazy. The colours are pretty, but so much sneezing! I like how the days get a little warmer but the nights still stay cool.

Fall is definitely my favourite season. I love the colours, the weather, and everything about it. I can wear pants and a t-shirt and be comfortable. We can light our fire pit at night and still be warm. The sound of crunching leaves is one that I love. And Halloween. I love Halloween!

Summer is waaaaaay too hot for me. You can’t sleep with covers and the sun drains my energy. I work outside in the summer so by the time coaching is done, I want to be done with summer even though there’s many more days.

How about you, what’s your favourite season?

Now continue on the hop to see what the amazing Brenda Margriet’s favourite season is. That’s it for me, until next time!

A SEASON FOR LOVE is now available! Thirteen steamy contemporary romances, including Brenda’s novella, SECRETS UNDER THE COVERS. Two long-time friends…one impulsive seduction…zero percent chance their lives will ever be the same again.

A Limited Edition Collection of Steamy Contemporary Romances Sometimes forever begins after forty. A collection of fiery and passionate contemporary romances featuring characters in their 40’s, 50’s and beyond. These authors don’t close the bedroom door on the good stuff, so be prepared to get hot and bothered in the best of ways. After all, lust has no age limit! Sensual and sexy stories will keep you up all night and daydreaming all day!


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