Romance Writers Weekly – Fall, Wonderful Fall

Hello and welcome to the blog hop! The weather has finally turned a bit cooler and I can wear sweaters again. Don’t get me wrong, I love the warm weather, but I was ready to put on some sweatpants and cuddle up under a blanket. If you missed what the talented J.J. Devine had to say, just click and pop back.

Today the lovely J.J. asks us: What is your favourite fall activity? 

Fall is so great because the weather has cooled down, but not too much. You can still enjoy many outdoor activities like hiking, swimming, playing soccer or football and even camping. When I lived in St. John’s we would go hiking until the weather turned really bad. We would bundle up and pack some food, then head out with some friends. Some days we would only do a short walk and get some cocoa after, others hikes would be longer.

One thing we always do when the leaves start to fall is something I do with my parents. We will go over to their house and walk the 1.5 miles down to the coffee shop, sit, talk, hold the drink in our cold hands and sip the yummy beverage before we walk the 1.5 miles back. It is very nice to be around family.

I do love to sit around at a coffee house talking with friends. Another favourite of mine is to pick out a good movie, find the best blankets and cuddle on the couch.

I love when the leaves turn colours before they fall off. My parents neighbourhood has the best trees. As you are turning onto their street you are hit with brilliant reds, oranges and yellows.

What is the amazing A.S. Fenichel’s favourite fall activity? Continue on the blog hop and find out. Until next time!


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