Romance Writers Weekly ~ Dec The Halls!

It’s almost Christmas! I can’t believe next week is Christmas! I feel like this year went by fast and slow at the same time. We still have a little bit of shopping left to do and I know that some of our gifts will be New Years gifts.

If you missed what the talented A.S. Fenichel had to say, just click and pop back.

Today the incredible A.S. Fenichel asks us:

Are your decorations up? We’d love to see some pictures and if you have an ornament with some special meaning, how about the story?

YES! Our decorations are up! We have our tree with lights and ornaments, our outside lights, our indoor decorations and almost done making cookies. I tried to get my husband to go up to the top of our house, but he’s too nervous to get up that high.

We always get a real tree, I just love the smell of them. I don’t mind the mess, you just sweep it up when you need to.

My son has done a lot of art projects recently and we have those up around the house. He painted and drew a fantastic grinch!

We have a few advent calendars. My mom made one for us a couple of years ago and it is pretty special. She sewed on all the squares and made a Christmas tree to put in each box.

I wish we had a fireplace! It would be so warm and cozy to have one. Since we don’t have a fireplace, we have a special Santa key so he can come into our house and put presents by the tree.

We have a special picture that was given to us one Christmas in St. John’s. It’s a painting of my husband, me and my son dressed up as mummers. Mummering is a tradition in St. John’s that happens during the Christmas season. People would disguise their identities using a mishmash of household items and travel door to door to neighbors’ homes. Neighbors would invite them in for impromptu parties with food and drinks, all while attempting to identify the masked visitors. Once an identity was determined, the mask came off. It’s really cool!

Well that’s it for me today. Now continue on the hop to see what the amazing Clair Brett has to say. Until next time!


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