Romance Writers Weekly ~ Creative Research

Welcome to the blog hop readers and and writers! We are now in the swing of summer swim team. I’ve completely switched from late afternoon into evening practices to the bright early morning practices. It’s going to take me about a week to get into this schedule. So jump in and join our hop.

How much research do you do for your novels? Do you stick to facts or do you massage them to fit the needs of your story?

I do a fair bit of research for my novels or short stories. It depends on where I set them and how much of the era I want in my novel. For the book I wrote about a woman traveling from London to St. John’s, I had to research a little bit about boats for the travel. When I first moved to St. John’s I saw everything from a new lens. So I input everything from my experiences and researched how the town used to look back then and wrote about her experience coming to a new place.

Sometimes I stick to the facts and other times I take creative liberties. It’s fun to make the time period or jobs fit to your story. I’ve written some short stories where I get to make up all the world building details, but sometimes that’s hard.

I had to write a flash fiction on the Titanic and I knew the details, but I got to make it my own story. And I only had 100 words to do it in!

My next project is a prequel to my first novel and that’s set in London, so I will have to do a lot of research to make sure the details are correct while also taking some creative liberties. I think finding a balance between accuracy and storytelling is often key to creating a compelling novel.

That’s it for me today. If you missed what the talented PG Forte had to say, just click and pop back, otherwise jump forward and see how much research the incredible Leslie Hachtel does. Until next time!

Don’t forget to check out Leslie’s book Payback

Two women. Years apart. Linked by common experience and a cottage that has survived since the Civil War. When Rebecca reaches out from the past, Evelyn finds it life changing.

And in their own times, each must discover strength and fight to find and keep true love.


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