Romance Writers Weekly ~ Childhood Memories

Welcome to the blog hop! I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day. Even though we’ve been safe, it finally caught up to me. My Mother’s Day and birthday week went downhill as I tested positive yesterday. No celebrations over here. I’m not feeling too bad, just a sore throat and little cough, otherwise I’m fine. I guess this gives me lots of time to write, read and relax.

If you missed what the incredible Jill Haymaker had to say, just click and pop back.

Today we are asked What is the one thing that immediately sends you back to childhood? Is it a food, a scent, a swingset?

Warm summer breezes always bring me back to my childhood. I used to stay out all evening until the street lights came on and ride my bike in the streets with friends. We’d be out in the morning for swim practice and then once we did our chores, we were outside all day long. We never stayed inside and played video games or watched movies unless it was a really special day. I feel like it’s different now and a lot of kids don’t like to go out into nature.

I loved being outside in the summer. I still do, even though it’s much hotter now. My son loves to be outside! He reminds me of myself, he doesn’t want to come in when we call him. My husband and I made a little patio set out front so we can watch the kids play.

Another memory that brings me back to childhood is the smell of chlorine. I know it’s a weird one. I grew up on a swim team and then when I turned 13 I started coaching. I’ve been swimming and coaching ever since. The scent of chlorine in the morning brings back all the fun I used to have learning how to do different drills and playing around when we got the chance.

Now a days I coach my son’s swim team and that has been so much fun! I’m bringing back some of the memories that I had onto this swim team and I love it so much. I’m so happy that he likes to swim and I’m hoping my daughter will when she gets a bit older. Now I get to relive my childhood by watching my own kids enjoy their youth!

That’s it for me today, now continue on the hop to see what the amazing Brenda Margriet has to say. Until next time!

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A one-night stand neither will forget. She wanted a final fling before choosing science to make her a single mom. He needed an escape from the regret grinding him into dust. Her baby isn’t his…but maybe family is more than DNA.

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One response to “Romance Writers Weekly ~ Childhood Memories”

  1. Ohhhh, chlorine–yes! I totally get that. Not weird at all!

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