Romance Writers Weekly- August 11, 2015

This is my first blog with Romance Writers Weekly, and I’m excited! I’ve never been published before but have one completed historical romance novel and a work in progress short story. I can’t wait to gain further knowledge from these wonderful people!

Right now we have blog hops going on where we authors answer questions and we all get to respond. Today’s topic is by Jeanne McDonald and she asks:

Outside of writing, what is your day job?  Give interesting facts about the job, and yes, Homemaker is a viable option (a very important one, I might add). What inspired you to take on this job and would you ever consider giving it to one of your characters?

What a great question! Writing has only been a recent addition to my day job. Along with being a new mom, I am a swim instructor. Ever since I was fourteen years old I have been a swim coach. I started swimming at the age of nine and haven’t stopped since. In fact that was how I met my husband. We coached opposing swim teams and hit it off from there. I love the feeling of water all around me; the peace and quiet of just my thoughts and my arms and legs propelling me forward. (I need to live on a warm island…)

I teach all ages from babies to adults. I’ve coached most kids from the age of four all the way until eighteen. It is a very rewarding job. The greatest moments are when they give you a look of pure joy after they have accomplished a few strokes by themselves, or for the older ones getting a best time in a race.

Being able to swim well has always been important to me. I’m still surprised by the amount of people, my own friends included, who don’t know how to swim. My baby son who is going to be one in a month has been in the water since he was eight weeks old! I want him to love the water as much as myself and my husband.

I would definitely give the job of a swim coach to one of my characters in a story. In fact I think it would make a great story for a contemporary romance….. maybe I should start writing that one. 🙂

That’s it for me today. Thank you Jeanne for a great question! Now continue on the hop and see what S. C. Mitchell has to say. Until next time!



8 responses to “Romance Writers Weekly- August 11, 2015”

  1. What a fascinating day job you have! You are right-you SHOULD write a contemporary series using your profession as the hero’s or heroine’s. Great post!

  2. Welcome, Jenna, and we look forward to walking your publishing journey with you.

  3. You have the perfect job for a sexy contemporary – lots of skimpy clothing, water and a fit body! 🙂

  4. Welcome to RWW, Jenna! So nice to have you with us. I loooooooooove the water. When I was a kid, my family had a hard time getting me out of the pool. What a fun (and important) job! =)

  5. So great to have you with us Jenna. And yeah, a swim coach would make a great character in a book. Write on.

  6. Welcome Jenna! I’m a water dog too. I base my books on seaside settings near where I live.

  7. Or a historical with a lady who teaches others how to swim…maybe because her baby brother drowned and despite the fact that it’s not lady-like she is determined to make sure others don’t suffer the same fate…..(she goes off on a rant) Happy you’ve joined the team. My daughter swam competitively. Great post!

  8. Ahhh, a swimmer. I’m envious of your ability to feel comfortable in the water. Unfortunately, I’m one of those people who don’t swim well. I’m best with a floatie! Good luck in your career as a writer. I’m sure you’ll do well.

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