Romance Writers Weekly – All That Junk Inside My… Bag

Hello and welcome to the blog hop. We now have some nice weather! I’ve actually enjoyed the cooler spring and rain. (People are asking what’s wrong with me…) This past weekend was beautiful with sun and warmer temperatures. We took my son swimming at the pool and then just relaxed on Saturday which was really nice. Then on Sunday we went to the zoo to see some animals. We went up the gondola to check out the new section, when we were ready to go back down to the main part of the zoo, the gondola broke!! We were stuck at the top for almost an hour with so many families before they got it working again. Needless to say, after that we just played on the rides and drove home.

Today I pose this question to my fellow authors:


What do you carry in your bag/purse? What is in it right now?


Well no matter what, I always carry a book around with me. You never know if you are going to be standing in a long line, waiting for kids sports to be over, or just out and about and want to sit on a bench and read. Sometimes it’s a paperback book, other times my kindle. Right now I’m reading a big hardcover book, but I will still lug it around with me.

Usually I will have my wallet, phone, keys, a snack (because I’m always hungry), sunglasses if it’s sunny, and my glasses if my eyes are too dry. I definitely have at least two pens, some hand sanitizer, a journal, my son’s epipens if we are out together and my water bottle.

Right now I’m writing at the bookstore coffee shop so I have my pens, notebook, bound printout of my novel so I can edit it, my computer, pens, a sweater, my phone, wallet and chapstick.

Depending on the day I will either carry around my awesome Gryffindor bag with lots of items, or a smaller purse with just the small essentials.

Now that you know what’s in my bag, continue on the hop to see what the amazing A.S. Fenichel has in her purse or click back to find out what the incredible Leslie Hachtel has in her bag. Until next time!


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