Romance Writers Weekly ~ A Strike of Inspiration

Hello everybody! I hope your weekend was fabulous. It was my dad’s 65th birthday so we celebrated by going up to Napa to a little store where we bought sandwiches, wine and cheese. The weather was perfect and we sat outside and let the kids walk around in the grass.

If you missed what the talented Brenda Margriet had to say, just click and pop back.

Today the incredible A.S. Fenichel asks us to:

Pick a book or story you’ve written and tell us where the inspiration came from.

I have this hilarious short story I wrote for a contest. I was assigned a genre, location and an object. They were; comedy, photography studio and a slice of cheese.

Earlier that week I had seen the episode of Seinfeld where George is posing on the couch and growling at the camera. Inspiration hit and I wrote a short story about a man who is trying to spice up his love life.

That story got me a pretty high ranking going into the next round. If you’re interested in reading it, here you go. Enjoy!

It’s interesting to see what sparks a story. Something as simple as a funny tv episode or something that’s been brewing in your mind for a while.

That’s it for me today, now continue on the hop to see what inspiration struck for A.S. Fenichel’s story. Until next time!

Check out A.S. Fenichel’s new cover for Ascension which releases on April 13! It’s a striking cover, don’t forget to grab it.

When demons threaten London, Lady Belinda answers the call. 

Lord Gabriel Thurston returns home from war to find his fiancée is not the sweet young girl he left behind. She’s grown into a mysterious woman who guards her dark secrets well. When he sees her sneaking away from a ball, he’s convinced it’s for a lover’s rendezvous. Following her to London’s slums, Gabriel watches in horror as his fiancée ruthlessly slay a man. 

Lady Belinda Clayton’s only concern was her dress for the next ball–until demons nearly killed her and changed everything. A lady by day, and a demon hunter by night, she knows where her duty lies. Ending her betrothal is the best way to protect Gabriel from death by a demon’s hand. 

Gabriel soon realizes, like him, Belinda has been fighting for her country. He joins in the fight, determined to show her that their love can endure, stronger than ever.


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