Romance Writers Weekly ~ A Kiss At Midnight

Hello and welcome to the blog hop! I’m back from the holidays and ready to write. I’m hoping that this year has some good mojo for writing. I would like to publish some of my poetry and put together a book of short stories that I’ve written over the years.

It’s been an interesting time with my son doing school from home and my toddler learning how to walk. I’ve been one busy momma! The only time I get to write is at night after the kiddos are down.

Today the incredible Brenda Margriet asks us to: write a flash fiction using the words: Happy New Year, cigars and orchids.

The scent of nutmeg, coffee and sandalwood floated across the breeze toward Amber. She inhaled the fragrance which brought back memories of sitting in her grandparents living room, playing board games with her grandpa. She would turn her nose up at the stink of cigarette smoke, but cigars would always hold a special place in her heart. 

Amber wiped the sleet from her face and continued to walk down the crowded street. The wind gusted again,and she pulled her coat tighter around her. It was New Year’s Eve and people bumped into her scurrying to get to their destinations before the clock struck midnight. 

She’d been trying to find The White Maple restaurant for the past hour to no avail. Amber groaned in frustration as her stomach grumbled. She was tired, hungry and didn’t want to spend the new year on a blind date, but her brother had set her up and Amber had promised to give it a try. 

The streetlights flickered and flurries of snow began to fall faster. She needed to find the restaurant before she froze. Turning yet another corner, the cigar smoke teased her senses once again. Amber glanced up and tucked in the corner between two large buildings was The White Maple. Lights glowed from the inside of the small brick building. 

Relief made her cry out. She ran toward the building and pushed open the door. Warmth flooded through her. There were so many people, how would she find her blind date? All the tables were crowded with men and women all laughing and smiling. Not a single table was free. 

Tears pricked her eyes. She didn’t want to report back to her brother that she had been stood up. Walking up to the bar she ordered a glass of champagne and took a deep swallow. Amber brushed the dark curls from her face and sighed. 

“Excuse me, are you Miss Carson?” a deep baritone voice asked. 

Amber’s voice caught in her throat at the man beside her. He had dark brown curly hair, perfect white teeth, sensuous full lips, a strong jaw and the most striking sapphire eyes she had ever seen. 

“Yes, I’m Amber Carson.” Her heart tattooed against her chest. 

“I’m Derek Monroe. These are for you.” He held up a bouquet of purple orchids. 

Amber drew in a breath. “They are beautiful! How did you know my favourite colour?”

“I might have asked your brother,” mumbled Derek as a blush crept up his face.

“Well thank you, that was very thoughtful.” 

“I’ve reserved a table would you like to go sit down?” asked Derek.

“Sure! How did you get a table tonight?”

“I know the owner of the restaurant.” 

Amber followed Derek to a booth tucked away in the corner. The table was decorated with gold and silver confetti to ring in the new year. They sat down and she ordered another champagne. 

“Cheers to a new year!” Derek clinked his glass to hers. 

“Yes, a new start.” Her lips tilted up in a smile. 

As they continued to talk, the more Amber enjoyed herself. Soon enough the countdown began. 

“10… 9… 8…” 

Derek cleared his throat. “I know this is cliché, but do you want to kiss me at midnight?” 

Amber leaned closer and brought her lips to Derek’s. Her body tingled in anticipation. This was going to be a great year. 

“3… 2… 1! Happy New Year!” 

That’s it for me today. I hope you enjoyed my flash fiction. If you missed what the amazing Brenda Margriet had to say, just click and pop back, or continue forward to read the wonderful A.S. Fenichel’s flash fiction and come back around. Until next time!

Check out A.S. Fenichel’s newest book Capturing the Earl, which you can preorder today!

The friendship of four young ladies has created an indestructible bond to protect one another from the perils of love and marriage . . .
After the demise of her friend’s disastrous marriage, Mercedes Parsons isn’t about to let the widowed Wallflower of West Lane, Lady Aurora Radcliff, undertake another perilous trip to the altar. At least, not before the bridegroom-to-be is thoroughly investigated. If only Mercy could stop her uncharacteristic daydreaming about Wesley Renshaw’s charm, his intellect, his dashing good looks. After all, the earl has already set his sights on her best friend! She must keep her wits about her and avoid giving into temptation.
Wesley is both irritated and intrigued by the machinations of Mercy—He cannot let her cleverness and beauty distract him. He needs to marry her friend, Aurora, so he can reclaim his family’s ancestral home. A wrong he has hoped to right his entire life. Besides, who is penniless spinster Mercedes Parsons to decide whom he can and cannot marry? Yet while he admires her unwavering loyalty to her friends, he decides it’s high time the misguided woman had a dose of her own medicine. Two can play at this spying game. But they are both embarked on a dangerous charade. And it won’t be merely Mercy’s reputation at risk—or her heart on the line—as Wesley comes to the inescapable conclusion that he has found the right woman at exactly the wrong time.


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