Romance Writers Weekly ~ A Good ol’ Reread

Hello and welcome to the blog hop! I hope everyone has had a great week. We are still a little smoky here and can’t always go outside. So when we do, we make the most of it!

If you missed what the amazing Christina Alexandra had to say, just click and pop back.

Today the wonderful Christina shares a quote and asks us:

“I can’t imagine a man really enjoying a good book and reading it only once.” ~ C.S. Lewis Do you reread books? Are there certain books you reread at certain times of the year?

Oh I reread books all the time! There are just some books that stick with me. Some I read every couple of years and others I’ll read every year.

I’ve reread Meg Cabot’s Boy Series many times. When I’m feeling down, or need something funny, I’ll read that.

Ken Follet’s Pillars of the Earth is another favourite of mine. I go back to this one every two to three years.

I like to reread Pride and Prejudice, it’s a classic.

Harry Potter, A Discovery of Witches, The Hunger Games, and so many more!

Lately I’ve taken to rereading books instead of buying new ones. My book club is how I’ve been reading new books. We’ve read some pretty good ones so far.

I can’t wait to hear what books everyone else likes to revisit. So continue on the hop to the incredible Clair Brett. Until next time!

Don’t forget to check out Clair Brett’s recent new release Courtesan’s Wicked Desire!

Here are the links!


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