Romance Writers Weekly ~ A Different Job?

Hello and welcome to the blog hop! Our weather is crazy, super hot last week and this week is chilly with lots of wind and cloudy skies. Since coaching has started I’ve had to get in the water and it’s been cold!

If you missed what the incredible A.S. Fenichel had to say, just click and pop back here.

Today we are asked: If you weren’t a writer, what would you want to be and tell us why you would choose this.

I’ve had many jobs over my years of working. I’ve been a teacher, a lifeguard, a fitness instructor and most often a swim coach. I still work as a swim coach. Our season just started again so I’m back at it. I really love being a swim coach. It is one of my passions.

Poetry and stories have always been inside my head. I love taking the time to sit down and write. Although lately I haven’t had much time between taking my oldest to school and my youngest to activities and coaching. When I’m in the writing groove I get the chance to let the characters out of my head.

So if I wasn’t a writer I would definitely want to be a swim coach of a great team and see how far I could take them. I think it would be great to be a P.E. coach for elementary school as well. I feel that exercise is so important for our youth and a lot of them don’t get the recommend amount.

For now, I split my time between writing and coaching. That’s it for me today, now continue on the hop to see what the amazing Brenda Margriet would want to be if not a writer. Until next time!

Pre Order LOVING BETWEEN THE LINES (Silverberry Seduction #2) from Brenda Margriet!

A one-night stand neither will forget. She wanted a final fling before choosing science to make her a single mom. He needed an escape from the regret grinding him into dust. Her baby isn’t his…but maybe family is more than DNA. Amazon, Apple, Nook, Kobo Pre Order Now for $2.99 Release Date July 15


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