Romance Writers Weekly – Ideas, Ideas, Ideas


Green trees, dry cracked brown earth, heat rising up in waves off of the cement rush by my window. No I’m not writing a novel, it’s what I’m seeing as we drive north up the California coast. I went down with my family to see my sister do a triathlon. 6 hours in a car is a LONG way for a turn around! So to take my mind off of the huge dry mounds of earth I’ve decided to write this blog post! (For the next 16k until a bathroom break comes along or my computer dies. Whichever is first.)

Welcome to the blog hop. Each week an author will provide a topic and we will answer back. If you missed what Marc Stevens had to say, just click and pop back. Today’s topic comes from the wonderful A.S. Fenichel and she asks us: Choose one of your books and tell us where the idea came from. Was it a dream, an overheard conversation, did it spark from a previous book you wrote? How did the idea come to you and how did it evolve into a full story. If you want to share a snippet, that would be awesome too. 

Well as of right now I only have the one novel I’m working on and a Christmas novella that I’m editing. Since everyone knows about the full length novel of a woman traveling from London to Newfoundland, I will talk about my novella.

However from my novel I will have a prequel novella of one of the characters so I must write that. That idea came into my mind from the previous book and daydreaming. Sometimes sitting staring into space helps, haha.

The novella is called Upon A Winter’s Night, and the idea just sort of popped into my head. A woman traveling with her son stops at an inn one winter’s night. A man gets stuck at the same in. They used to know each other from many years ago. They depart and end up at the same house party, they try to untangle their past.

I know I wanted the characters to still be in love with each other even though they had been separated for years. They each thought the other had left without saying a word. I won’t go into all the details, but I am really proud of this novella and can’t wait to share it with everyone!

Here is the first chapter, enjoy. 🙂

Chapter One

The wind pushed against his coat as he struggled forward in the snow. Every step took him backwards. Wetness seeped into his boots. Viscount Logan Brackley loathed being wet. In fact he detested the winter, especially Christmas. Ever since she ran off with another man.

Logan didn’t care if he never spent the holidays around family again, yet here he was, slogging through the cold wet snow. Each time he blinked, his eyelashes stuck together with the falling slush. He’d been called to his great aunt’s house and no one ever turned down an invitation once invited.

Somehow on the journey north the carriage slipped on the icy road and broke a wheel. Logan had been forced to get out of the comfort of the carriage and walk in the dreadful weather for miles in hopes of finding a place to sleep. He wouldn’t make it to his great aunt’s tonight.

In the distance he spotted small yellow blobs. Logan squinted his gray eyes. His sight had not been wrong. The lighted windows of an inn grew bigger in the murky snow-white air. He drew in a deep breath. Circular white puffs blew out of his mouth as he shrugged deeper into his fur-lined coat and trudged on.

Logan left his manservant Hodges back with the horse and carriage. As soon as he got inside he would send some men back to help. His brooding returned back to her. The woman he had intended to marry. But she had turned her back on him and gone to another.

He could almost feel the warmth of the inn as he drew closer. A blazing fire and a dram of whiskey would chase the chill away. A sign with Stone Hill Inn etched into the wood blew back and forth in the gale. Logan walked up the icy walkway and knocked on the door. A buxom woman with disheveled blonde hair tucked under a white cap stared back at him. The wind blew snow into the open doorway.

“My goodness, whatever are ye doing out on a night like this one, sir?”

He stomped his feet. “My carriage broke a wheel a couple of miles back. I’ve come for an open room if you have one.”

“Yes sir, come in.” You’re in luck, there is one room left. It’s not the biggest, mind you. A woman arrived just before you did and has the main room.

“I’m sure the one you have will do fine. Anything will be better then walking in this terrible weather.” The snow melted on his hands as he ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair.

The older woman placed a hand on his arm. “Let’s get you in and out of the cold. I’ll have the cook bring you some food if you want to wait in the parlor. The other guest is waiting for dinner as well.”

“Thank you…”

“Mrs. Taylor.”

“Thank you again Mrs. Taylor. I’m Logan Brackley. I shall need to send someone to help bring back my horses and carriage. They will freeze if they stay outside.”

“I’ll send me ‘usband out with some men from the stables. They will take good care of your beasts. Now just get yourself down the hallway into the parlor to warm up.”

Logan nodded, took off his fur-lined coat and hung it on the pole by the door as Mrs. Taylor disappeared into the Inn. He found the parlor a few doors down the aged hallway. The inn was small but it held all the comfort he needed for the moment. He strode into the room.

A woman in a blue silk gown stood in front of the fireplace. Her back was to him but he could see all of her curves beneath the gown. Her hair was a rich shiny brown.

Logan walked to the sideboard and poured himself a glass of whiskey.

The woman tilted her head.

He could see full pink lips begging to be kissed. He shook his head, cleared his throat and drank the amber liquid. Fire burned down his throat and into his body. Pinpricks ran up and down his fingers as they warmed up.

The vision in blue turned toward him.

His heart stopped in his chest. It couldn’t be. Logan took a heavy breath.



Next on the hop is Leslie Hachtel. Let’s see what she has to say about her book ideas. Until next time!








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