Romance Writers Weekly – What’s your favourite?


Welcome, welcome, welcome! Glad to join the hop this week.

We have a blog hop going on each week. All of us authors get asked a question and we respond, hopping from one person to the next. If you missed what the amazing Kathryn Renard had to say just click and pop back. Today the incredible Leslie Hachtel asks us: What’s your favorite part of the writing process? Research, plotting? And what’s your least favorite part.

I’d like to say every part of the the writing process is my favourite but alas, that would not be true. In order it goes like this: (anyone else get the Adam Levine song Moves Like Jagger stuck in their head?) Haha.

Okay really…

  1. Writing out the little bits of details of the story that come into my mind (I find this the most fun and exciting)
  2. Plotting
  3. Research
  4. Writing

I have to say my least favourite part is the editing. I’m in the thick of it now editing my debut novel. I don’t have enough time in the day to do it all. It is especially hard when you have other obligations to attend to. I usually don’t get to my editing until later in the evening after I put my son to bed, and by then I’m tired! I try to get in an hours worth but sometimes it doesn’t happen. Well I will just keep plugging away until I get it finished!

Great topic for the hop this week. That’s it for me today! What is Leslie Hachtel’s favourite and least favourite part of writing? Continue on the hop, until next time!


2 responses to “Romance Writers Weekly – What’s your favourite?”

  1. I know many writers who hate editing, but I have to say, I kind of enjoy it. I’m not a big fan of fixing big pieces, like motivation and plots, but I love polishing sentences and paragraphs so they are the best I can make it.

    1. I can see that. I have a big plot piece that I have to remove and have no idea how to cut out the writing and intersperse it throughout the book!

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