Romance Writers Weekly – Beautiful Book Covers

Welcome to the blog hop! This week the amazing A.S. Fenichel asks us:

Let’s talk about book covers. Pick three of your covers and tell us either: what was your thought process for the design or if your traditionally published, tell us what you thought the first time you saw your shiny new cover. If you have a great story about your cover(s) please share. And don’t forget to show us the covers.
If you missed what the lovely A.S. Fenichel had to say, just click back or continue onto the talented Dani Jace and follow the hop.
As of right now I don’t have three books, but I do have one and I love it! After I show my cover for my novella, I will share some favourites from other authors.
It took me a long time to find the right cover for this Christmas novella. I had someone touch up the characters and add the background and it turned out amazing. It’s a story about a second chance, so the way the hero and heroine are positioned had to be very important. I usually like just the female on the cover, but this one felt so right to have both.
So here is the cover for my novella Upon a Winter’s Night!
I will always have a soft spot for the first romance book I ever read, which was The Rose and The Shield by Sara Bennett. Here is her cover:
For a while now, I’ve been enjoying the covers with just the heroine on them. I would love to do something like this for a cover one day! These are so beautiful and express so much that could be happening in the book. Their dresses are so pretty, I wish I could wear one like it.
Now don’t get me wrong, I do love a good man on the cover! I feel like it has to be the right man, if that makes any sense. Here are some by Sara Bennett with men that I really liked.
Can you tell that I like dark haired men…. haha.
Well that’s it for me today. I can’t wait to show my next book cover with you when it is ready to be released. Now continue on the hop to see what the incredible Dani Jace has for her three favourite covers. Until next time!



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