Romance Writers Weekly –

Welcome to the blog hop! The weather has been quite rainy lately so it’s nice to sit inside, read a good book and work on some writing.

Today the incredible Leslie Hachtel asks us: Do you think what we do as romance writers is important? Please explain why.

So if you missed what the lovely J.J. Devine had to say, just click and pop back.

Writing is definitely important and I think romance writers have the hardest job of all. Everyone wants an escape, for some it’s alternate universes, time dimensions, or history of the past, but for others it’s love.

So many people don’t have a happily ever after and wish they could have one. I think reading romance is their way to have a happy ending.

Sometimes as romance writers we get a lot of people who turn their noses up at us. Why would they want to read a trashy love story? However, it’s so much more than that. Writing romance as well as reading it, is an escape. We get to immerse ourselves into these characters and write about their lives, problems, hopes, fears and most of all love. We provide all those happily ever afters that people want.

I know when I read a romance novel, I get to forget about everything around me and watch as the characters unfold before my eyes. It is such a great escape for me. Well reading anything always has been, but romance has something special.

When I sit down to write a story, I think about my characters and how they are going to meet, what conflicts they will go through and how they find, lose and regain love. Some of what I write has been pulled from my experiences or other people’s experiences. Romance novels are written from life.

I think it’s important for people to know it’s okay to read a “dirty” book. In saying that, there are many different types of romances. You can have a sweet romance with just chaste kisses, racy everything imaginable goes or something in between.

I hope people go out and try to read a romance novel at some point because romance writing is a lot more than just sex. Love is at the core of most novels.

Now that I’ve shared my piece, continue on the hop and see what the amazing A.S. Fenichel has to say. Until next time!


One response to “Romance Writers Weekly –”

  1. Wow, what a great response to Leslie’s question, J.D.! I enjoy following the blog hop and so far I loved your take on this the best. (No offence to the other amazing romance writers of course)
    The part that best plucks at my heartstrings is you encouraging people to actually READ romance novels, in whatever style they want, without feeling like they have to hide that fact!
    Thank a lot, and keep writing!

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